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Custody Issues: Pick-up and Drop-off Tips

Good Co-Parenting and Preventing Conflict Can Involve Some New Pick-up and Drop-off Tips

For many divorced parents, there is usually a period when picking up and dropping off kids works out well, and other times people need some helpful pick-up and drop-off tips. Sometimes things start going wrong and pick-ups and drop-offs are late, at the wrong location or missed altogether. In a worst scenario a child could be left unattended at in peril to the extent some may suggest, or report abuse or neglect.

Your co-parenting skills are important and keeping a polite and positive relationship with the other parent is important even when things are going wrong. When there is a bad experience with a weekend pick-up or drop-off it is good to make an allowance for change here and there. However, when expectations of the other parent lead the other to never knowing what to expect, the result is chaos.

Being Flexible and Creating a Positive Experience

Children pay attention to their parents and how they respond to pick-ups and drop-offs on those first, third and fifth weekends and scheduled parenting time during the week. Some people use neutral locations such as local favorite casual restaurants where you and your kid can go get something to eat and talk about the week until the other parent arrives and texts from the parking lot. Telling your child, you love them and to have a great time sends a positive and supportive message.

Remember that your opportunity to have a positive relationship with your child and their other parent is something that will last a lifetime and issues with pick-ups and drop-offs are temporary problems.

Addressing Problems When Something Changes with the Other Parent

When something is going wrong with picking up and dropping off kids for visitation, the sooner you talk to the other parent about it, the quicker you all may agree to make a few changes if that would help everyone. For many, being able to plan your days, evenings and weekends is very important and failing to pick-up or drop-off your kid at the time and location as scheduled can be infuriating.

Sometimes the last-minute changes in times and locations ends up being a function of the other parent’s new significant other who could even be manipulating the situation in a way the other parent has no idea they are in the middle of a bad situation.

When people cannot get along and pick-ups and drop-offs have gone terribly wrong, you might need to go back to court on an enforcement or modification action. In his podcasts on these topics, Mark L. Scroggins reminds people why they might not enjoy being back in front of a judge who may not be as patient as your kid’s other parent.

Mark L. Scroggins is Board-Certified in family law in Texas and is frequently recognized by peers for being a creative strategist in finding solutions to conflict and complex divorce, child custody and family law issues. If you want to know more or have a problem and need pick-up and drop-off tips or legal advice, call Scroggins Law Group at (214) 469-3100.

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*Mark L. Scroggins is *board-certified in family law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Unless otherwise noted, other attorneys are not *board-certified.

**Super Lawyers (a Thomson Reuters service, awarded to Mark Scroggins 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

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