Divorce can be a different experience for everyone. For some, divorce can be painful, ugly and emotionally charged. For others, it may be amicable but still heartbreaking as fate had different plans than you both originally thought. An attorney can understand the devastation associated with the ending of a marriage. Things can be even more complicated if children are involved, as you must consider how to make the transition easier for them as well. There is likely to be grief and sadness regardless of how the decision of divorce came to arise.
Here in this article, we have listed tips for how to handle your divorce so you are left with the least amount of emotional wounds possible.
#1 – Do Not Try to Be Friends Right Away
Even if the choice to divorce was agreed upon by both spouses as the right decision, do not try to be friends too soon. Try to maintain distance during the proceedings in order to conduct the separation in a professional way, with boundaries and rules. A new friendship may be able to blossom after the divorce is finalized, as you grow into a new parenting partnership dynamic.
#2 – Consider Attending Mediation
Try meeting with a mediator if there are disagreements you and your soon to be former spouse are unable to find a solution for on your own. A mediator is to be an unbiased party that attempts to find a resolution which you both can benefit from. It may even save you a substantial amount of money and stress if you are able to come to a middle ground sooner rather than later.
#3 – Create a Parenting Plan
Establishing a parenting plan can get complicated and frustrating very quickly. Remember to keep in mind that the plan should be based around what is in the best interest of your children, not necessarily yourselves. If you can work together as a team, your children can benefit greatly.
#4 – Write All Agreements Down
Any agreements that are verbally made should be written down, even if things seem to be friendly between the two of you. In the event things get heated and disputes arise, you will want to have established a written document on what agreements have been made so far. This is to help prevent you from going backwards, when you have already come a long way in trying to negotiate.
Remember that when things get immensely tough, you have the support of a divorce lawyer at Scroggins Law Group, who can help you navigate what feels like an endless divorce process. There are many legal steps that you and your spouse must go through before the dissolution of marriage is official. A legal professional can offer experience, advice, strategy and empathy. A law firm will be committed to providing legal services for people going through what may be one of the most challenging phases of their life. Please contact an attorney today.