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Can A Recovering Alcoholic Get Custody?

The answers to the questions that are posed by our fans are my personal opinions on things. They do not create a relationship between you and me individually, nor do they create a relationship with Scroggins Law Group. The next question we get is, can a recovering alcoholic or a recovering addict? Get custody in Texas? So the answer to that is yes. And the important thing to remember when we talk about custody, that’s a little bit of a misnomer, because you’ve got two pieces to child custody, so to speak, you’ve got conservatorship, which is all about the child rearing decisions that you as a parent get to make when it comes to making those decisions for your kids. And possession and access, which is exactly what it sounds like the amount of time that you and the other parent has with the kids. So if someone is in recovery, and they can show that they’ve been sober, let’s say for a period of a couple of years, you know, can they be named? Joint managing conservator of the kids? Absolutely they can can they be named as sole managing conservator of the kids? Absolutely, they can. So the important thing is going to be showing that that person, whether they’re an alcoholic or an addict, that they are actively in recovery, working a good program and had been sober for a period of time, but if they can meet all those requirements, and absolutely they can get custody

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