The answers to the questions that are posed by our fans are my personal opinions on things, they do not create a relationship between you and me individually, nor do they create a relationship with Scroggins Law Group. So the next question we get is, How does alcoholism affect divorce? Well, the big question there is going to be whether or not somebody’s in recovery or if they are active in their addiction and so this would go with any other type of addiction as well. Can someone who is a drug addict or an alcoholic, you know, get custody of their child? Well, if they’re active in their addiction, the answer is going to be no. Okay. So, if you are have somebody who is active in their addiction is and you can prove that they are an alcoholic or they are an addict, then it is highly, highly, highly unlikely that they are going to be named So managing conservator or be named primary, meaning that they have the exclusive right to determine the primary domicile of the kids